Referral Program

Start earning with Perpetua

We’ll give you a personal link to share via text, email, and social media, then reward you $100 for every eligible seller that requests a report.

Earn $100 when you refer-a-seller to the Perpetua Benchmarker

We’ll give you a personal link to share via text, email, and social media, then reward you $100 for every eligible seller that requests a report.

Getting started is easy


Create your link

Enter your email address and click the the button and we’ll generate a personal sharing link for you.

Create your link

Convieniently share your network

Copy and send your link to as many Amazon Sellers in your network with a simple text message, email or via social media.


Earn actual cash

For each Perpetua Benchmarker sign up from your link, we’ll automatically pay you.

$100 USD

per each Amazon advertiser with at least $100/month in ad spend


if they become a Perpetua customer

Still have Questions?

Ready to start earning?

For more information or to inquire about the status of your referral(s), please reach out to the Perpetua Marketing team at